Purposeless Property

If you’re going to pass through a space every day, at least make it interesting… 

“Lawns are something of a cultural phenomenon, ingrained in our psyche - our childhoods were spent in an environment completely dominated by grassy spaces. We're conditioned to think that we and our kids need lawn to thrive and play. And hey, I get it! We all love a lush green grassy carpet to lie on and enjoy with friends and family; picnics are an Australian pastime; our sporting culture needs grassy fields…There is definitely a place for lawns in our suburbs and wider communities; just not to the extent to which we currently grow them.” - Endemic Enviro, Sanctuary Mag Issue 63

Drenching our lawns with water on the planet's driest continent, just to retain a hint of green through summer, warrants reflection. It's time to rethink how we use our space, especially as we navigate a housing and climate crisis. 

Our front gardens are not the place for large lawns. 

Nobody but dominant and aggressive common birds benefit from them. By replacing lawns with native gardens, we create vital habitat links in suburban areas, giving these spaces a purpose you can feel good about every time you pass through.

If you’ve ever complained that you don't have enough time to do things you love, but you also maintain a front lawn… you know what to do.


Success Together, or Never


All Life Begins and Ends with a Seed